目前分類:上班族摸魚八掛事紀 (24)

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被一本合約綁著的心情真是又煩又重, 厚厚的一大本,印出動輒兩三百頁感覺到在樹林裡砍殺樹木的罪惡..., 馬拉松式的negotiation 之後, 就輪到祕書來做合約的修正及編排, 最煩雜的莫過於很多的小細節要互相呼應, 對照的索引要正確, 就這樣,從老板開完會的6點開始上工(註一), 等到我們改完送出時也10點了. 這種時候,只能安慰自己, 還好今天改完送出去給客人了, 不然明天開始休假要請同事幫忙改這麼大的工程也很不好意思, 雖然大家都是互相back up, 不熟悉的工作也擔心出了什麼差錯. 

每個客戶都在問, 放假前可不可以先做給我? 放假 = 如臨大敵 ? 那放假前真想躲起來裝死 

你們放聖誕節假期前, 我們也沒這樣逼你吧!! 已所不欲, 勿施於人呀!

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12/7 今天,Tom的前任祕書們請Tom吃飯,託他的福,我也被受邀一起過去. 吃的是延吉街湄河的越泰餐廳 (上次 Porson 回來,我跟cc有一起去吃的那家). 

- 一個是離職五年的祕書 Vivian, 一個是去年離職的祕書 Carol

- 作為一個 Boss, 祕書離職後多年會請他吃飯,足以證明Tom為人的成功之道

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Once a year the three foreign lawyers in our office will celebrate the traditional American holidays (usually, Thanksgiving) together in the American Club.  The American Club offers variety of traditional foods on three of American holidays which are 復活節, Thanksgiving and X'mas.


Since i have been Tom's secretary, i was invited to join the dinner with them on Thanksgiving.  The American club offered variety of traditional foods for "Thanksgiving" as a buffet style.  I don't think American food is decilious compared with Italian food or Chinese food.  However, i like the atmosphere of getting together in a round table and have food with family/friends.  That may be the reason i like "eating" invitations. hahahah~~ 

Not because of Thanksgiving but recently I found "pumkin" is such a delicious and healthy food for people.  I am in love with "pumkin" although I don't know how to cook a "pumkin" since it never shows up in my family dining table (as I remembered, my mom never cook any  "pumkin").  Never mind, love will make one do everything.  I will start from collecting receipies from internet and see what choiceses would be.  Pumkin soup is my favorite and it is difficult to learn.  Baked pumkin taste like sweet potato (yam) and the color is also alike (maybe it is the reason i like it now).

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