
Orange got freedom back. He is running and dancing in the bedroom. Do not to stay in the balcony or bathroom for a while. Boss is busy, and I am busy, too. Two more clients came in for the meeting at 9:00P.M. (we had earthquak at the same time) We cancel the dinner with Linda, but i think something is going on undertable (that is my guess).
*如果不喜歡做一件事就要去拒絕, 如果沒拒絕而得去做一件不喜歡的事,那就不要再去抱怨,因為是自己捨棄"拒絕"的機會的。
*吃素的人,念佛的人卻只把慈悲放在人身上,我想佛說眾生平等, 最不了解平等的就是人類。我不吃素,不唸佛,我只知道慈悲是放在生命上的, 有生命的物體都是佛在渡化的對像。