• Oct 30 Sun 2005 11:11
  • 隨筆

我想我是感冒了,喉嚨痛,鼻水流不停,噴嚏也是,病懨懨的,不想做什麼只想靜靜的過一天. 天氣陰陰的,心情也低低的.


寫日記只是為了替自己的記憶做備份,在時間流逝之後還找得到一部份過去的記錄來回憶. 為自己而做, 不會有得失心, 不會去計較分享的公不公平. 但是收到回應時還是會開心不已.

shopping 總是在心情無聊的時候達到高峰,買個新玩意替平淡的生活找個新樂趣, 尋找的過程讓自己更明確的去想好自己要的是什麼, 而減少無謂的浪費. 

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今天晚上(10/22) 9點在大稻程碼頭看了一場從頭 "哇" 到尾的煙火秀,睽違五年之後所放的煙火秀果然引起民眾熱烈的反應,碼頭裡是萬頭鑽動的景像.大家或坐或站,磨肩擦踵. 我還天真的想帶件大毛巾,想像躺在草地上看烟火的情景. 實際上,能找到視野好的位子站著就得慶幸了. 碼頭外,從一位兩仟的淡水船票到一人三仟的河邊賞烟火特餐都一位難求,過了不久,果然約有十艄船緩緩的駛近煙火. 想想,從家裡走來二十分鐘的路程省了2000大洋也算是值得。 煙火開始,CC就忙著拍照,芽沒帶相機,因為芽上次在日本洞爺湖看煙火,拍了半天,螢幕上只有黑壓壓一片加上兩個小光點,儘管用錄影的效果有了放煙火的感覺,還是沒有眼睛看到的,想"哇, 哇, 哇" 的震撼效果. 這是芽比較記得的第三次看煙火; 第一次是在波士頓,美國獨立紀念日的煙火,大家帶著毛毯,先野餐,聊天,天黑了就躺下來等著看烟火,第一次的感覺當然是, 哇~ 哇~ 哇~ . 因為感覺實在太棒了,所以到現在我還以為看煙火都是帶著毛毯,野餐,躺在草地上看. 第二次就是洞爺湖啦!因為飯店的地點實在太好,一天片的透明玻璃窗看出去就是大大的湖,位置又高,晚上外面冷颼颼的,當然是待在房間的禢禢米上,泡個好茶邊喝邊欣賞,煙花從湖的左岸開始綻放到右岸,搭著音樂很有盪氣迴腸的效果. 芽個人覺得煙火還是要躺下來看,沐浴在星空下,看煙花綻放的美麗,亂想被煙花的火星砸中的感覺,這樣才會有想"哇!"的感覺.

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放下行囊後先去湖邊晃晃,921 後大部份的建築物都是重建的,所以看起來都很乾淨,新穎,環湖步道也設置的很完善. 散步到一旁的函碧步道想要看看一窺貴的出名的函碧樓長的是什麼樣,不知為什麼卻走到了一坐教堂,遠離了人潮,有一種安靜的美感.天黑了,在步道旁試著照出枯枝伴月的景色,效果不佳,相機到了晚上有種使不上力的遺憾,發現一隻美麗的毛毛蟲,當下研究起近拍的功能 (我的相機Canon IXUS 400讓我覺的美中不足的是沒有近拍的功能,今天測試終於發現原來是我沒有開起這個功能,"暈"…., 所以它還是第一名的啦!)

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Another rainy day .  Last night till early this morning, I spent 2hours checking out my new MP3, installed Kuro in my laptop and downloaded more songs for my MP3.  I guess I can put 200 songs in it. After that, I spent 8 hours reading "Harry Potter 6".  At start, I think it has too many roles, specific magic words in the story, difficult to remember and difficult to get into the world of magic.  But it was getting better and better after I went through half of the story.  I think that it is a good story, but definitely is not good for children (as the words/roles like 食死人, 分靈體, 行屍, etc. appears in the story). it looks more like a ghost story for me.  I guess Curtis enjoys taking pictures by using his new camera even it is cloudy today.   上次忘了拍小綠人,記得幫我拍一張特寫!

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Rainy day. It has been a month since the last time I went to Yuga class. I decided to go today, after that, I went to hair salon and dye my hair into "black". My imagination is that I will have a new hair style as "short, black like an Egypt queen. In the meantime, I change my mind to have a hair cut so I ended up with "black" only. I think it is "dark black", too dark to like true hair. I also bring my new rented book, "Harry Potter 6" to kill time. It's a long story with 700 pages. 

Curtis showed up around 4pm so we decide to have dinner at K Mall before we went to ____ for 3C Products shopping. I decided to buy a branded MP3 player "Creative Muvo" since I cannot stand for the bad, slow reflection of the keyboard on my old MP3 any longer. Curtis bought himself the first camera (Canon 500Mn pixels [p.s. I still think it is too small to handle]. Then, we went to Ikari to share with each other our own "new toy". (P.S. I felt guilty for 3 days for spending so much money in one day. Still not like my hair very much (too dark). Well, it's worth to buy Creative Muvo, I like it! )

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Today, mother decided to join us in learning Yoga. My sister and I arranged her to start from the beginning class at 12pm, Saturday. We also took my nephew, ChingYu (who is at her age of 2), with us since her mother was not home. 

However, kids were not allowed to be in the Yuga classroom, so it comes to my turn of taking care of her while my mother and sister were in the class. That was a horrible experience. She is too active to stop moving, running, playing and jumping. Most of the time, I was chasing her around. I tried to feed her food so she can stay be quite but cleaned up the food she drop on the chair, table and everywhere also drove me nut. She is not an angel for me during those two hours. Even I didn't attend the Yuga class, but I felt I spend more energy to taken care of her than if I did. 

After Yuga class, it became sister's "business suit" shopping day. My sister, Yvonne, needs to wear business suit for "tour guide" interview and training class. Since it was raining we tried to find something for her on the way we walked from MRT station to our house rather than go to any shopping mall or department stores. We didn't like the first store we went because one set of business suit cost more than $6,000 (including 1 coat, 1 bourse and 1 skirt). Not because we were not able to afford the price but because we don't think the suit is worth for this price. You will see we made a good decision to give up from this store. 

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In October, I spent one month to read the most famous novels in recent years ~ Harry Potter ~ Series 1-6. (Although it became the best seller when it first came out several years ago, and continued published in the years after, i did not have the feel to read to heavy books until last October.)

Never mind, after I read the book I throug VI, the movie for IV came out this month. I and cc went to see the movie on NOV. 

My thought: 

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引用: 康健雜誌83期 初秋起始,留意秋燥


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三時一刻,鼻子忽然敏感起來,連續的流鼻水,鼻塞,打噴嚏一起來,讓我從被窩爬出,放棄睡覺,吃了藥,等著藥效發作只好先上網,網路慢的令我發狂,連打網誌的心情也沒了,在客廳走來走去覺得好熱,鑽回被子裡去卻覺得好冷.為什麼在這個時晨醒著呢?是颱風來的關係還是天氣變化的關係,讓我想睡卻不能睡呢?明天還要早點去上班好在颱風的狂風豪雨來前下班呢!能自然的呼吸頓時成了一個奢想,床太硬也沒關係,只要能正常呼吸睡覺就好... 七點整,不知是生理時鐘還是姪女的哭叫終於讓我放棄睡覺,起來吃早餐.聽著mp3吃著水果加優酪乳的沙拉配著土司,耳朵聽著 ”孤單太平洋”,突然覺得,一早起來,有個渾厚的男聲在耳邊唱著情歌真是一種幸福的享受!美麗的早餐可以彌補昨日的不良睡眠,溫暖的歌聲頓時心情好好,精神奕奕上班去.

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After spent all morning searching on various kinds of MP3 player, I placed an order for one, which cost $1990 at PC Home online shopping store. 

Comparing on variabilities and price of goods available on PC Home and Yahoo online shops, I think PC Home offer cheapter price (only $10 lower) and Yahoo has a very clear discription on product specification. 

Making a decision to buy one thing is very difficult but also very easy. 

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Web Log is a fashion tool for new generation to share their life by ways of writing and/or posting pictures. It becomes a trend of fashion due to the broad use of digital camera and internet facilities. To be young, I decide to build my own weblog. I am still in the process to find which free web log is the best suit my needs. So, I have three web log now, one on Pchome, one on "no name website" and one on "msn share space". Usually, these free web log allows you to have multiple functions (including free photo space and weblog) by using one user name. Each of them has its own unique features. Pchome can post a small pics with wording which at "No name", you must post a pic on your photo blog, then you can attach it in your wording (and the size of the pic is the same as the one you post on the photo blog which is usually huge). At "No name", there are many creative/fancy standard formatting you can choose for your weblog design. At the msn share space, you can use a "face expression pic" in the context of your wording and you can set up preferences to allow certain people on your msn list to view your personal weblog. I still can not decide how many of weblogs I am going to keep forever. Because I have too many thoughts. I want to have one to share everything to the public without showing my personal data, one to share photos with my (general and close) friends and one to share with my lovely bf.

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第二天,他開始很熱切的關心大家的身體,講解日本人為什麼長壽的原因(不要太感動他對大家身體健康的關心,他是要開始賣藥啦!關心大家是柔性訴求的開始...),接著,未成年的要補鈣才會長高高,電腦族要多吃魚肝油,要多用隔離電磁波的貼布,要做孝子的要買西藏頂級紅花製成的通血管藥給應酬多多的老爸,愛美的買幾盒(據說是skii同工廠,"隔壁生產線" 製的ks面膜)自用送人便宜又好用....導遊還親自試範面膜要怎麼貼,保養品要怎麼按摩才會有效. 聽累了,怕大家睡著,就開了幾包道地的日本零食請大家吃. 當然,一人一種一個,喜歡的可以跟導遊買,一包一仟日元(其實還滿貴的),買十送一喔!零食包括:白色巧克力(裡面有核桃的),哇沙米餅乾(我個人還滿喜歡的),北海道鮭魚乾,干貝糖,海帶軟糖. 零零總總,大概有幾十樣吧,要是想扛幾箱日本蘋果回家的,導遊也有服務(因為旅客是不能私帶水果進台灣的,所以他會幫你安排好,在你回家出海關的之候領取你買的日本水果),真是服務週到呀. 就這樣,第一次去日本,我跟妹妹這兩個呆呆就在花天亂蓋的導遊介紹下,買了據說跟skii同工廠出品的面膜,好吃的巧克力,哇沙米餅,鮭魚乾,還有一大瓶的深海魚肝油,算是耗盡盤纏的滿戴而歸. 今年第二次跟團去日本,有了上次的經驗,我就特別比較這個導遊了.個性的關係吧,導遊話不多,該說的簡單說說就放我們的耳朵一馬,就算妹妹坐在第三個位子,每天從頭睡到尾,他還是說著他該說的介紹,至於賣的東西呢? 名單是跟上次完全一樣的,除了零嘴多了新品的鱈魚起司餃子和黑芝麻白巧克力還有新流行的鈦金屬手環,倒是少了生動賣力的推銷及介紹,甚至告訴我們想買面膜的,回台灣買郵局的面膜便宜又好用. 結論呢? 有推銷的業績總是比較好吧,動軛一罐台幣數仟的藥品我跟妹妹是沒實力去買,(去年砸錢買回補眼睛的魚肝油還有半罐在桌上,瓶上早佈滿了灰塵,據說與skii同廠生產的面膜一拆開是30片一盒的包裝[有量販包的感覺),布的質感也很薄,很差),有試吃而買的零食倒都還滿好吃的,所以今年又買了一些零食當"伴手". 導遊總是靠賣東西賺點津貼吧,所以明智的守著自己的錢錢,在日本,別想著"便宜"兩個字,很難找到的呢!


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Everyone knows if you have a chance to visit Japan, one thing you cannot missed is the Hot Spring. Japanese Hotel does not provide Hot Spring water in the guest room, so you must go to the public Hot Spring Pot or rent a personal one (which usually is very expensive). However, the Hot Spring Hotels always offer you a set of cloth which you can dress to the public Hot Spring place or dress with wooden scandles and walk aroung the nearby of the Hotel. By the way, the men's public pot is always below the women's public pot.
When we were in Japan in Sep., we spent two out of three nights in HOT SPRING HOTELS, so we definitely cannot miss the Hot Spring. The first thing my sister and i did when we get in our room was to dress up on the clothes the Hotel offered then took pictures(to show that we did a Japanese bath). After that, we went to sleep instead of goint to the public Hot Spring place. That did not mean we spend our money and missed the hot spring bath.
We were too shy to take a bath in the public (even in front of many 'women') but we also want to enjoy the Hot Spring bath. so what we did was to take a nap first then get up at 2am and go to take our own Hot Spring bath in the publice pot. I even too shy to take the bath with my sister, so we decide to take a turn and go to the public pot. No doubt, no body except me want to take a shower at 2am, so i have my personal time enjoy the Hot Spring bath in the public pot at 2am for two nights. One thing good was that i had my own privacy, one thing bad was i feel lonely and a bit strange to enjoy my bath in a public pot "only" with the dark sky and cool wind. However, it was much better compared with to be naked and take a bath in front of lots of naked women.
Last, I loved the outdoor hot pot rather than inside one because the air and wind can cool me down and i can have a good view of the surrounding.

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